Inmunologist, BMRC Consortium researcher and Director for Coronovac Study for Chile, said that the collaboration that has happened within Chilean scientist sector "has been very positive and this is a unprecedented event in the science history".
See more"Human Metapneumovirus causes high morbidity in the population, especially in infants and the elderly." The severity of this virus is the second cause of childhood pneumonia. Our team has developed a safe and effective vaccine against this virus. This has shown excellent protection results in pre-clinical studies.We are currently carrying out the clinical studies necessary to bring this vaccine onto the market and reduce the impact of this disease in the Chilean and international population."
Research Line / Vaccines
Safe and effective vaccines against Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV)
"Diagnostic tests only detect viruses, they do not detect bacteria, nor do they report on the severity of inflammatory response and the severity of infection. All of this along with the high costs of current testing creates the challenge and opportunity to develop one test that detects the multiple infectious agents in the respiratory tract in a specific, sensitive and simultaneous way and that detects some gravity and prognosis parameters of the patient so the doctor may decide on the best treatment option.”
Research / Diagnostic Line
Immunological Tools to Detect Respiratory Pathogens
"The development of this project has allowed us to generate a multidisciplinary knowledge platform in order to collaborate in solving the problem of the increasing incidence of metabolic diseases in our population and at a global level."
Research / Therapy Line
Development of new drugs for the treatment of hypertension and metabolic syndrome
"Globally, there are 600,000 cases of thyroid cancer annually. However, there is not one test to predict the aggressiveness of this illness in order to choose more precise treatments according to the patient's profile. After the development of a thyroid cancer diagnostic test - known as Thyrioprint - it was logical to follow up with a second test that could predict with high accuracy the biological behavior of the tumor. Knowing how aggressive the cancer is can change the definitive treatment of the profile of the patient prior to surgery.”
Research Line / Diagnostics
Thyroid Cancer Prognosis Test
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 440, piso 12, Santiago, chile.
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